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 Ukraine Nuclear Risk:  US Opinion Poll
Full results 4/11/2022 click here
Conducted for ShulerResearch by Greg Ling, market research specialist
500 US consumer samples -- Margin of error 4%
You can participate in a separately tallied survey here
Discussion / Highlights:

Q1 - Suggests 55% would not endure nuclear war for any country but their own. However, Q3 which asks about the type of response and offers "proportional" and non-nuclear alternatives has only 15% taking the "my country only" position.

Q2 - What is the risk Russia would attack US with nukes if it loses Donbas or Crimea?

Q3 - What type of response would you prefer:

Q3 - Is the greater risk country-by-country takeovers by nuclear autocracies, or confronting and stopping Russia and Putin now?

Analysis:  If an influencer or politician poses question 1 without qualifying that the action is low risk (Q2), that proportional and non-nuclear responses are available (Q3) or that there is a greater risk from not confronting the opponent (Q4) then a person may give an answer that is not a genuine reflection of their full judgment.  They may even be induced to voting in an irrational manner.  Always consider what influencers and politicians are "leaving out." 

A second interesting point is that right wing or "Trump" Republicans, and Fox News, will typically play up the fear of nuclear war (tending toward a Q1 statement of the problem, though not necessarily Trump himself who casts things in terms of his relationship with a war criminal leader of Russia).  And President Biden uses the Q1 strategy also, "Direct conflict between NATO and Russia would be World War 3" - The Hill March 11, 2022.

Given that 65%  view continued takeovers as higher risk, and 75% view nuclear escalation in the event of Russia being kicked entirely out of Ukraine as low to very low, and 60% (at right) favor increased or direct support for Ukraine, these two political positions being the same doesn't make sense.  Ukraine seems to have formed a new middle coalition in American politics between moderate Democrats and Republicans.  That is a hopeful sign.  Though it might not be in time to help Ukraine. Another option on Q2 reveals that even if NATO causes loss of Russian ships and missile launchers directly, risk of nuclear escalation is still in the very low to medium range.

Risk from Continued War: The most discussed risks are of a response to NATO/US actions.  But greater risks may occur over time due to accidental intrusion into NATO space, deliberate disruption of supplies in NATO space, or a war of opportunity conducted by Serbia or China while the US is occupied in Ukraine. Stopping the war more quickly may minimize risk.  For a full discussion see Larger War Looming If Not Stopped Soon. If you are moved to express your opinion, whatever it is, there are links there to email, call or write US representatives.

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Ukraine Support: US Opinion Poll
Full results 4/3/2022 click here
Conducted for ShulerResearch by Greg Ling, market research specialist
500 US consumer samples -- Margin of error 4%
You can participate in a separately tallied survey here
Discussion / Highlights:
  • 52% felt Ukraine was like Britain in ww2,
    34% like Checkoslavakia, which eventually wound up split.
  • 60% favored arming Ukraine with jets or missiles,
    27% help refugees only.
  • 57% favored forcing Russia to obey international norms,
    while a surprising 30% favored extending sanctions as an "economic war of democracies against autocracies".  Net 87% favored extending sanctions beyond end to current hostilities.
  • 76% thought major war crimes had been committed by Russia,
    10% by Ukraine. 
    18% thought US domestic issues were more important. 
    26% thought there would be change in US policy until an election.
  • Asked about Donald Trump & Ukraine
    • 35% felt he'd arm Ukraine more aggressively
    • 33% felt he'd pressure Ukraine to surrender
    • 31% felt he'd only be concerned with getting dirt on Hunter Biden
  • Asked which leader they most respected:
    • 48% for Zelensky
    • 16% each for Morawiecki & Biden
    • 5% for Kaja Kallas
    • 4% for Putin
    • 2% each for Scholz, Macron & Trump
    • 0.5% ea. Ron Paul, Tom Cotton, Obama, Modi, Xi
The Trump question is interesting because no matter your preference, only 1/3rd of the US believes Trump would take the path you prefer.  People are wildly undecided about Trump's real policy intentions. 

From this survey at least, the US public favors stronger action by significantly more than the margin of error.  Political affiliation was not polled to avoid contaminating the survey with political feeling.  However, the paltry 18% that felt domestic issues were unimportant in comparison does not seem to be reflected in media coverage and is a surprise. If this stays on voters' minds, it could be a single-issue deciding factor in May-June primaries, or even in fall elections.

Based on all the results, and known divisions in the usually hawkish Republican party, it seems likely bipartisan support for stronger arming of Ukraine is high, possibly a majority in both parties.

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Robert Shuler about:  He is the author of over 50 peer reviewed technical papers, a book on Crash Rate Theory and two books on economics.  He is retired from a 45 year career in advanced projects and systems reliability at NASA and continues select areas of research related to the future of society.  He lives in Texas most of the time, likes to visit his wife's relatives in Siberia, and publishes music arrangements

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Civille O. Brown, MLS, about:  I am interested in how each person's unique talent, experience and life situation leads them to different choices, and how to maximize each person's potential.  According to evolutionary theory, there is no progress or advancement of one over the other, we've all been here 3.5 billion years.  But the future can be predicted sometimes, and knowing it changes it.  Then progress can be defined by a combination of the individual desires and abilities relative to the future environment.  Getting along in a common world does not mean we all want to behave in the same way or seek the same things.  "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid," wasn't really said by Einstein, but it sums up my approach to the study of people.

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